At Peachtree Dermatology in Atlanta, GA, we are passionate about helping our clients feel as confident in their appearance as possible. We know everyone has unique concerns and goals, so we are proud to offer a wide range of cosmetic treatments that can address many concerns. Today, we’re taking a closer look at one of our most popular, versatile treatments, Dysport. Read on to find out everything you need to know about this treatment.
How Quickly Does Dysport Show Results?
The onset of Dysport results varies from person to person, but just two to three days after your injections are administered you should start seeing your wrinkles smooth. If 72 hours have passed and you still cannot see a change in your appearance, you should keep in mind that only around half of people who receive this treatment start seeing an improvement in two to three days. You may need to wait an additional 24 hours to start seeing results.
How Soon Will I Be Able To See My Desired Results?
As a general rule of thumb, you should be able to see your desired results roughly 10 days after your treatment session. However, if it takes you four days to start seeing your skin smooth, it may take closer to 14 days for your final results to become apparent. If you are anxious to see your desired results as soon as possible, there are a few steps you can take to facilitate faster final results.
What Can I Do To See My Desired Results As Soon as Possible?
The onset of Dysport results is primarily determined by immutable factors, like the severity of your cosmetic concerns and the muscles being treated. However, you can help yourself see faster final results by maintaining adequate hydration. Drinking six cups of hydrating liquids, like tea and water, is usually enough to keep someone hydrated, especially if they also eat a lot of water-dense foods.
Another crucial step you should take to see faster results is to avoid strenuous exercise for a day or two after your injections are administered. Additionally, you need to avoid rubbing the injection sites to prevent the medication from spreading outside of the areas targeted for treatment. Moreover, exercising your treated muscles will help the medication settle in faster.
How Long Will My Desired Results Last?
You can expect to enjoy your optimal results for approximately five months. However, you should keep in mind that individual results can vary fairly significantly because there are a lot of factors that affect the longevity of the results. For example, the first time you receive this treatment, your optimal results may not last as long. Additionally, your results may not last five full months if you are treating severe wrinkles and folds or you are targeting large muscles.
Can I Do Anything To Enjoy Longer-Lasting Results?
The durability of this treatment’s results is highly dependent on the areas being targeted for treatment. However, there are a few things you can do to extend the longevity of your results. For example, if you want to enjoy your optimal results for as long as possible, you need to minimize your exposure to UV radiation. Light-based tanning methods must be avoided, and when you are exposed to direct sunlight, you must wear adequate sunscreen.
Another effective step you can take to enjoy your desired results for longer is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. You can support the health and appearance of your skin by staying hydrated, eating a balanced diet, getting sufficient sleep each night, moderating alcohol intake, and not smoking. All of these lifestyle choices will help to keep the supportive substances in your skin healthy. The more supported your skin is, the longer it will take dynamic wrinkles to show.
Is This Treatment Right for Me?
If you are concerned about dynamic wrinkles and don’t feel that surgery is a good fit for you, there is a strong likelihood that this treatment will be considered a great fit for you. However, you need to meet with a dermatologist to discuss your health, concerns, and goals to confirm that this treatment will be suitable for you.
Also, you need to be in decent overall health to be considered a good candidate for this treatment; certain medical conditions are contraindications. Furthermore, certain medications and supplements are contraindications for this treatment. Therefore, to be considered a good candidate for this treatment, you must be able to stop taking certain pharmaceuticals temporarily.
What Is the Best Age to Get This Treatment?
The FDA has indicated this medication for use in people who are under the age of 65. If you are 64 or younger, the best age to get this treatment is whatever age you are when you start feeling self-conscious about dynamic wrinkles.
We strongly encourage you to come in for a consultation if you have cosmetic concerns affecting your face. We will evaluate your concerns to verify that this treatment will address your concerns effectively. However, you should know that you don’t need to worry about being considered too young for this treatment. In fact, the younger you are when you get treated, the more likely it is that your results will last longer.
What Should I Expect During My Treatment Session?
You can expect your treatment session to be convenient and comfortable. Generally, injection sessions take between 10 and 20 minutes to complete, but this can vary significantly depending on the number of areas being targeted for treatment and the severity of the concerns being treated. Before your session begins, your skin will be cleaned, and a syringe will be prepared with the optimal dose of medication.
Once your preparation is complete, we will administer the medication into three to five strategic points in each area of concern. There is no need for anesthesia to be administered because we use a tiny needle to inject the muscle relaxant. However, if needles make you feel nervous, we can apply a topical anesthetic to the treatment areas so you won’t feel anything. If you opt to get numbing cream, your session may take around 15 minutes longer.
Can This Treatment Be Combined With Other Cosmetic Treatments?
Yes, this treatment can be combined with other cosmetic treatments, such as injectable dermal fillers. For example, if you are concerned about hollow cheeks, jowls, a poorly contoured cheekbone, or the appearance of your undereye area, you may be considered a good candidate for VOLUMA XC injections. There are many benefits of this injectable dermal filler, including its ingredients.
It features a synthetic version of hyaluronic acid that your body can’t tell is synthetic. It works the same as the hyaluronic acid your body produces naturally, volumizing the skin immediately by attracting water molecules to the area and binding to them for long-lasting volume. Then, your body breaks down the filler and uses the ingredients to produce collagen for extremely durable results.
How Long Do VOLUMA Results Last?
You can generally expect your results to last for two years. However, you should keep in mind that the longevity of your results may vary depending on several factors. For example, if you’re a smoker, you may not be able to enjoy your ideal results for 24 full months.
On the other hand, you may be able to enjoy longer-lasting results if you take steps to keep your collagen as healthy as possible, like moderating alcohol intake. Another highly effective step you can take to extend the longevity of your results is to protect your skin from UV radiation by wearing adequate sunscreen.
How Does This Treatment Work?
This treatment smooths out dynamic wrinkles, lines, and folds by temporarily relaxing the targeted muscles. This is accomplished thanks to the active ingredient, a bacterium-derived toxin, blocking some of the signals that your brain sends to the muscles telling them to contract. When the targeted muscles relax, the overlying skin smooths out.
Schedule an Evaluation Today
You can generally expect to start seeing an improvement in your treated areas just two to three days after your Dysport injections have been administered. That said, it will probably take 10 to 14 days for your final results to become apparent. Exercising the treated muscles should help you see faster results. To find out if this injectable muscle relaxant treatment is right for you, schedule an evaluation with us today at Peachtree Dermatology in Atlanta, GA.
Amazing office!
by Paige
Category: reviewsLove Dr. Rooney and her team. Everyone is so friendly and warm. They treated me with care and consideration, and I looked forward to visiting them every time.
Finally Felt Heard
by Derian Wylonda Patterson
Category: reviewsI am astonished and happy to report that my visit/visits to this practitioners office has been positive and encouraging She listened, so offered medical evidence and offered a plan of attack to address my problems. Not like the young Dr, I had the displeasure of seeing months before Mrs. Wright. Dr.'s like her are few and far between. I enjoy and have enjoyed the service and the atmosphere there.
Very Satisfied
by Therese
Category: reviewsMy first encounter with Dr. Law was very satisfactory: I consulted her for an annual checkup since my previous dermatologist is now too far from my current location. Dr. Law was very pleasant and thorough; an additiodnal plus was a very short waiting time.
Great physician
by Ann Parker
Category: reviewsDr. Law and her assistant were professional and friendly
The best!
by j. darwin
Category: reviewsI had an appointment with Ewa Rooney. She was absolutely the best. She was thorough and listened to my questions and comments. Plus she was very compassionate and caring. Would highly recommend her.
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