Is a stubborn double chin making you feel insecure? Have you tried every remedy under the sun to get rid of it, from diets to exercise to creams and ointments, but nothing is working? Then you might be interested in Kybella, a groundbreaking injectable that melts away fat in the double chin area and leaves the jawline sculpted and refined. Here at Peachtree Dermatology in Atlanta, GA, we’re proud to offer this confidence-boosting treatment that can have you feeling more gorgeous in a matter of minutes.
How Long Do Kybella Results Last?
Incredibly, the results of this treatment can be nearly permanent with proper maintenance. This is because the treatment involves destroying fat cells around the chin. Our bodies actually stop producing new fat cells once we’re out of adolescence, so when they’re destroyed, it’s not like the body can make new ones to replace them. Unlike other cosmetic solutions that require ongoing maintenance sessions, you’ll never have to come back for any follow-up once you’ve finished treatment!
It’s worth noting that this treatment won’t destroy all the fat cells in the treatment area; some will just my drained of fluid and shrink down. These shrunken cells have the potential to get larger again if you were to put on weight down the track, which is why we encourage patients to maintain a healthy, active lifestyle after treatment. Not only would it be disappointing to undo the stunning effects of this treatment, but the weight gain could be inconsistent across the treatment area.
What Is Kybella?
This groundbreaking, FDA-approved treatment is a series of injections made into the double chin, also known as “submental fullness”. The product injected is a synthetic version of a molecule called deoxycholic acid, which is naturally occurring in the body and breaks down fat as part of the digestion process. In this case, it breaks down fat cells in the chin: it either forces them to release fluid so they shrink down, or destroys them completely. These fluids and destroyed cells are flushed from your body via natural processes, leaving you with a more sculpted, refined jawline.
What Should I Expect From This Treatment?
We’ll start with an initial consultation, which is the time to look over your medical records and any medication you might be on to make sure this treatment will work for you. We’ll then draw up a treatment plan tailored specifically to you that we’ll follow along with on the day. We may recommend avoiding certain medications or skincare products ahead of your appointment, but this will depend on you as an individual and your lifestyle.
On the Day
This treatment is performed in-house at our gorgeous Georgia office. We may start by applying a topical numbing cream to your chin so that you’re as comfortable as possible during treatment. We’ll then make the injections, which are performed using an ultra-fine needle. How many injections we do is based on your treatment plan and considers factors like the size of your submental fullness and the thickness of your skin and soft tissue. All in all, treatment takes about 15-20 minutes.
Patients love that there’s no downtime required for this treatment. Unlike many cosmetic surgeries that require bed rest and time off work, you’ll be able to carry on with your day immediately afterward, whether that’s heading back to work or running errands. Because we don’t use anesthetic, you can safely drive yourself to and from your appointment as well! We may recommend avoiding a few intense activities in the day after treatment, such as vigorous exercise, but time away from them will be minimal.
The results will develop in the weeks following treatment as your body flushes out dead cells and fluids. The exact amount of time will depend on your body and how functions, but we estimate around two weeks before you see noticeable results. Our patients love that their double chin disappears in such a natural, gradual way that it looks like it could just be the product of normal weight loss. It’s a great subtle solution for anyone who wants to keep their treatment private.
Will I Require Multiple Sessions?
Many of our patients are asked to come back in for a few more sessions so we can achieve optimal results. It often takes three or four sessions to completely eliminate submental fullness and leave the jawline contoured and beautiful, and they’re usually spaced a few months apart. As mentioned above, once this treatment is all wrapped up the results are lasting, so our patients are happy to schedule a few appointments!
Can This Treatment Be Used Anywhere Else?
Because this treatment is so effective at breaking down fat cells, it can’t be used anywhere else on the body or it may pose a risk to other important cells and tissue. This treatment has been specifically designed for submental fullness because the chin is such an isolated area of the body. As great as it would be to use Kybella on all the problematic areas of the body, it’s comforting to know that it’s such a specialized, precise treatment.
What Causes Submental Fullness?
The American Society for Dermatologic Surgery states that 68% of Americans struggle with double chins – but why? Weight seems like the obvious answer, but as many would testify, sometimes even the most slender and athletically-built people still carry around submental fullness. Genetics, aging, and lifestyle factors like drinking and smoking can all contribute. That’s why we try not to prescribe one “right kind of candidate” for this treatment; if you’re worried about your double chin, it’s worth coming and seeing if this treatment might be right for you.
Who Is a Good Candidate for This Treatment?
If you’re over 18 and have been feeling self-conscious about your double chin, you may be interested in this treatment. Perhaps you worry about how your face looks when you talk or smile, or you have to hold yourself a certain way when posing for photos. No one should have to worry like this and monitor themselves 24/7! If you’re ready to stop worrying about your appearance and feel more gorgeous with a sculpted jawline, we would love to hear from you.
Certain conditions may prohibit you from treatment as there can be a risk of blood clotting. We will evaluate this when we look over your medical records and go through your medications. Those who are pregnant, planning on falling pregnant, or breastfeeding won’t be able to undergo treatment (but we’ll still be here when you’re all done)! We also may conclude that this treatment won’t be the most effective way to treat your aesthetic concerns. Luckily, we offer so many impressive treatments and procedures here at Peachtree Dermatology that we’ll be able to find you a brilliant alternative.
What Are Some Alternatives to Kybella?
Dermal Fillers
We may determine that your double chin isn’t caused by fat so much as sagging, stretched skin, and resembles something closer to jowls. If this is the case, destroying fat cells will do little to correct this. What we might suggest instead are dermal fillers like Sculptra or Juvederm, which contour the jawline by adding volume to loose skin. With new volume, the loose skin lifts and tightens, revealing a more sculpted chin underneath. These amazing treatments can also work to lift flattened cheeks, hollow temples, and lines and wrinkles around the nose and mouth.
We know Kybella can only be used on the chin, but what about eliminating fat elsewhere on the body? Introducing CoolSculpting, which similarly destroys and shrinks fat cells which are then flushed from the body gradually. The key difference is that this treatment freezes the fat cells, which is what triggers their breakdown. The treatment is actually quite relaxing, affording patients some time to read or catch up on emails. It can be used all over the body, touting the tagline “if you can squeeze it, we can freeze it!”
Schedule a Consultation Today
If you’re done feeling worried about your appearance and want to be able to laugh and chat freely, then it’s time to say goodbye to your double chin. With Kybella, you can feel more confident and gorgeous, with a sculpted jawline that appears gradually and naturally. Our team can’t wait to help you get started. To learn more, call us now at Peachtree Dermatology in Atlanta, GA.
Amazing office!
by Paige
Category: reviewsLove Dr. Rooney and her team. Everyone is so friendly and warm. They treated me with care and consideration, and I looked forward to visiting them every time.
Finally Felt Heard
by Derian Wylonda Patterson
Category: reviewsI am astonished and happy to report that my visit/visits to this practitioners office has been positive and encouraging She listened, so offered medical evidence and offered a plan of attack to address my problems. Not like the young Dr, I had the displeasure of seeing months before Mrs. Wright. Dr.'s like her are few and far between. I enjoy and have enjoyed the service and the atmosphere there.
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by Therese
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Great physician
by Ann Parker
Category: reviewsDr. Law and her assistant were professional and friendly
The best!
by j. darwin
Category: reviewsI had an appointment with Ewa Rooney. She was absolutely the best. She was thorough and listened to my questions and comments. Plus she was very compassionate and caring. Would highly recommend her.
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