You can have any number of skin, hair or nail issues that range from medical to cosmetic problems that need to be addressed by a quality dermatologist in the Atlanta area. The real problem, however, is in choosing the right dermatologist for the job. When it comes to the field of dermatology, anyone with a medical degree can practice dermatology. That being said, even among these doctors, there will be a wide variety of expertise in specific treatment options, and some will understand various disorders and approaches better than others. So, it may feel like you are rolling the dice when you go on the hunt for a good dermatologist to work with on meeting your dermatology needs. Fortunately, Peachtree Dermatology is here to put you at ease. Contact us today for an appointment with one of our board-certified dermatologists!
Are They Board-Certified?
The kind of dermatologist you want to be working with is board-certified. In the field of dermatology, this credentialing body is considered the gold standard. So, you must take care to make sure they are board-certified before you take them on as your dermatologist. It is important to note that a board-certified dermatologist is going to be held to a much higher ethical standard than a doctor with a basic medical degree. Additionally, a board-certified dermatologist will also be up on the latest research and techniques for resolving medical and cosmetic issues in the field of dermatology. You should be happy to know that all three of our talented dermatologists are board-certified.
Your Specific Needs
When visiting a provider with specific needs in mind, it is important to make sure that the dermatologist you are using has considerable experience in treating the conditions you are exhibiting. Alternatively, you may want to make sure they have the specific skills to perform certain cosmetic treatments you are interested in trying.
Since dermatology is such a varied field, it is generally smart to find out what kinds of things your provider spends most of their time handling before letting them do procedures on you. At Peachtree Dermatology, you can be sure that you will be getting the best and most experienced team helping you, no matter what procedure you need.
To learn more about the services we offer, schedule an appointment at our office in Atlanta. We would be more than happy to evaluate your case and come up with a customized treatment for you. Contact us today to set up your consultation!