Your providers and staff at Peachtree Dermatology are closely monitoring the rapidly evolving outbreak of coronavirus COVID-19. We are following the advice of both the CDC and the Georgia Department of Public Health; we encourage you to use these sites for information. We want to assure you of the steps we are taking to protect your family when in our office, and of how we currently plan to address patients possibly exposed to the novel coronavirus.
Routine Office Visits:
- Yes, we are seeing regularly scheduled patients!
- Our staff is increasing the frequency of cleaning in the office and continue to follow recommended hand washing/sanitizing before and after all patient contacts
- We are screening for patients at risk of coronavirus exposure both when appointments are scheduled and at check-in
Patients with possible Coronavirus exposure:
If you have recently traveled to areas where there are ongoing outbreaks of COVID-19 and develop a fever with cough, shortness of breath, or gastrointestinal issues within 14 days of your travel, or if you have had contact with someone who is suspected to have COVID-19, please stay home and call 404-355-1919 to reschedule your appointment. This number is available Monday through Friday between 8 am and 4:30 pm.
A provider will offer guidance on if you should be seen and if you should be tested based on the current guidelines which we have received from the Georgia Department of Public Health. At this time we are not performing COVID-19 testing in our office.
Our goal is to keep all our patients safe. If the spread of coronavirus in the state worsens, we will update our policies and procedures and keep you informed.
Please see these links for more information:
CDC homepage for Coronavirus Outbreak:
Georgia Department of Public Health:
As a reminder, we are still in flu and respiratory season when common sense hand-washing and staying home when ill will help with the spread of illness.
The Providers and Staff of Peachtree Dermatology Associates, PC
Amazing office!
by Paige
Category: reviewsLove Dr. Rooney and her team. Everyone is so friendly and warm. They treated me with care and consideration, and I looked forward to visiting them every time.
Finally Felt Heard
by Derian Wylonda Patterson
Category: reviewsI am astonished and happy to report that my visit/visits to this practitioners office has been positive and encouraging She listened, so offered medical evidence and offered a plan of attack to address my problems. Not like the young Dr, I had the displeasure of seeing months before Mrs. Wright. Dr.'s like her are few and far between. I enjoy and have enjoyed the service and the atmosphere there.
Very Satisfied
by Therese
Category: reviewsMy first encounter with Dr. Law was very satisfactory: I consulted her for an annual checkup since my previous dermatologist is now too far from my current location. Dr. Law was very pleasant and thorough; an additiodnal plus was a very short waiting time.
Great physician
by Ann Parker
Category: reviewsDr. Law and her assistant were professional and friendly
The best!
by j. darwin
Category: reviewsI had an appointment with Ewa Rooney. She was absolutely the best. She was thorough and listened to my questions and comments. Plus she was very compassionate and caring. Would highly recommend her.
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