Who says you have to live with stubborn problem spots? If you’re close to your goal weight but struggling with certain contours on your body, Coolsculpting Atlanta treatments at Peachtree Dermatology in Atlanta, GA, can help. These treatments freeze away the excess fat that clings to the body even though you’ve been working out and taking great care of yourself. These sessions help you put the finishing touches on your contours without surgery, anesthesia, or incisions.
What Is Coolsculpting?
Coolsculpting uses a technology called Cryolipolysis to freeze, and ultimately destroy, unwanted fat cells. Because fat cells freeze at a higher temperature than skin and other tissue, this technology can be used to eradicate unwanted fat while leaving the surrounding skin and muscle unharmed. Once those fat cells have been frozen, your body will metabolize them and flush them out over the coming weeks, resulting in gradual slimming.
Because the controlled cooling of your fat cells is accomplished with the help of an external device, this treatment makes it possible to slim down and refine your contours without being invasive. You’ll be able to sit back and relax during your treatments, which last about an hour. And over the next few weeks, the problem spots that were treated will start to diminish and your contours will improve.
How Much Fat Does This Eliminate?
This treatment can reduce fat in the target area by as much as 25 percent, which is enough to improve the overall look and shape of your body. It will also result in clothes fitting better!
How Many Sessions Are Needed?
The number of treatments you’ll need will depend on how much excess fat you’re looking to trim from your body. Small areas of the body with just a little excess fat, such as the upper arms, can sometimes be addressed with a single session. But patients seeking treatment for larger areas of the body or who have more excess fat to lose may need as many as four to six sessions, each of which should be scheduled six weeks apart.
It’s also not uncommon for patients to seek treatment in more than one part of the body, which may require additional sessions. During your initial consultation, we’ll make a recommendation about the number of sessions you may need.
Is There a Limit to the Number of Sessions I Can Schedule?
There is no limit to the number of treatments you can undergo. But there must be pinchable, treatable fat in the area for these treatments to be effective. Once you’ve eliminated all of the excess fat in a certain part of your body, additional treatments are unnecessary.
What Are Treatments Like?
During your appointment, the Coolsculpting Atlanta applicator will rest against your body. We have several different applicators in various shapes and sizes, and we’ll use the one that will best fit your area of concern. You’ll experience a gentle suction as the applicator attaches to your skin, and there will be cooling and numbness as the device goes to work on unwanted fat.
But you’ll be comfortable, and you’ll be able to read, catch up on email on your phone, or nap in your private treatment room as the session progresses.
Is There Any Downtime Associated With This Treatment?
At the conclusion of your appointment, your skin may appear pink, but you’ll be able to resume your regular activities right away without any limitations.
When Will I See Improvement in My Body?
It can take several weeks for your body to process and dispose of the fat cells destroyed during treatment. You’ll notice a gradual improvement in your body, with your final results becoming apparent within three months.
What Can I Do To Encourage My Results To Develop More Quickly?
After your appointment, your body’s lymphatic system will take care of flushing out those destroyed fat cells. Keeping your lymphatic system functioning effectively by drinking plenty of fluids during the weeks following your appointment can speed up your results. Exercising, refraining from alcohol and tobacco, eating unprocessed foods, and getting plenty of sleep can also facilitate the work that your lymphatic system does.
Which Parts of the Body Does This Work On?
This treatment can be performed all over the body, wherever there is pinchable, subcutaneous fat. The abdomen, hips, arms, legs, and back can all be addressed. Some patients even use this treatment to get rid of the fat that develops just beneath the chin, giving the appearance of a double chin.
Who Is This Right For?
You’re Not Significantly Overweight
Coolsculpting Atlanta is not a weight loss treatment. Instead, it gets rid of excess fat in certain areas of the body, creating new contours. If you’re in pretty good shape, near your goal weight, and simply need a little help refining a problem spot or two, this treatment can help. And by taming those problem spots, this treatment can improve the overall look and balance of your silhouette.
You Are in Good Overall Health
The ideal patient is in good overall health and is not pregnant. Patients should not have defibrillators, pacemakers or bleeding disorders.
You Understand the Treatment
Patients who undergo Coolsculpting Atlanta should have reasonable expectations and can be patient. This treatment can significantly improve the look of your body, but the results are not instantaneous. Many patients like the gradual onset of results, which ensures that they never appear as though they have had a cosmetic treatment performed.
What Advantages Are Associated With This Treatment?
It Offers Permanent Results
This treatment permanently eliminates unwanted fat. To keep your overall look in balance and in shape, you’ll still want to adhere to a healthy lifestyle so you don’t put on weight in other places, but the problem spot that was treated will never come back.
It Offers Precision
Have you ever successfully lost weight, but lost it in the wrong place? When we naturally shed pounds, there is no way of controlling which part of the body the weight comes off of. One of the great things about this treatment is that it allows you to hone in on specific problem spots and eliminate them. This gives you the ability to precisely sculpt your figure.
It’s Non-Invasive
This non-invasive approach to body sculpting makes it easy and convenient to get your body in shape. Appointments can easily be worked into a busy schedule, and there is no downtime afterward.
It’s Customizable
Whether you want to significantly slim down the thighs or get rid of a small amount of extra fullness along the bra line, this treatment can help. Patients come to us with a variety of cosmetic concerns, and we develop a custom treatment plan for each one. We can even tackle several areas of concern.
Treatment Q&A
Does This Eliminate Visceral Fat?
This treatment tackles subcutaneous fat, which is the soft, pinchable fat that sits just below the skin. Subcutaneous fat does not easily respond to diet and exercise, making it particularly frustrating. This treatment does not address visceral fat, which is the deeper fat that surrounds the stomach and can’t be seen.
How Many Inches Will I Lose?
The number of inches you’ll lose depends on the size of the treatment area and how much of a fat reduction you’re hoping to accomplish. If you’re seeking treatment to tame a modest amount of fat in a small area, you may lose just a half an inch. But on larger parts of the body, like the stomach, you could lose two or three inches.
Can I Combine This Treatment With Other Services?
Yes. Our patients often combine Coolsculpting Atlanta with other cosmetic services in an overall treatment plan. Botulinum toxin injections and microdermabrasion are frequently combined with this treatment.
Is This Treatment Covered by Health Insurance?
Health insurance doesn’t cover these treatments because of their cosmetic nature, but our practice offers two different types of financing.
Is This Treatment Safe?
Yes. This treatment has been approved by the FDA and has been safely and widely used.
How Can I Get Started?
If you’re interested in finding out if this treatment is for you, schedule an initial consultation at our practice. We will talk with you about your problem spots and determine if you are a suitable candidate.
A Contoured Body Is Within Reach
Are you ready to sculpt your body with the help of an easy, non-invasive treatment system? Coolsculpting may be the perfect solution for you. Call us at Peachtree Dermatology in Atlanta, GA, and schedule your initial consultation today!
Amazing office!
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Great physician
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The best!
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