If you have eczema, you might develop scaly skin and itching, and this health problem can lower your confidence and prevent you from feeling comfortable when you are attending social events. At Peachtree Dermatology in Atlanta, Georgia, we can use medications and other gentle eczema treatment to address your symptoms and improve the quality of your skin: and your confidence!
What Should You Expect From Eczema Treatment?
After we have looked at your skin and talked about your itching problems or other symptoms, we will develop an eczema treatment plan for you. Although we will customize specific aspects of your treatment, you should expect to follow a three-step process that will require you to use medications and other gentle techniques to relieve your symptoms.
Step One: Moisturize Your Skin
We may advise you to begin the process of treating your eczema by pampering your skin and hydrating your tissues. For example, you might start using a very gentle cleanser when you wash your face. In addition, you might need to purchase moisturizing products that are designed for sensitive skin. Depending on your needs, we may advise you to purchase over-the-counter moisturizers or use prescription products.
As you begin your eczema treatment, we will teach you how to incorporate these products into your daily routine. For example, we may advise you to apply your moisturizer to your affected areas as soon as you finish taking a shower or bath. If you have eczema that affects your hands, we may instruct you to use a hydrating cream after you wash your hands or perform household chores.
Step Two: Address Your Inflammation Issues
Next, we will probably advise you to use medications to decrease your inflammation and relieve your itching issues. In particular, we may prescribe antihistamines or topical corticosteroids. If you frequently scratch your skin during the nighttime, we may advise you to take an oral antihistamine before you go to bed.
If you have fairly minor symptoms, we may instruct you to apply a mild corticosteroid medication onto the affected areas of your skin. If you have severe eczema, we may advise you to use a stronger type of corticosteroid to relieve your symptoms.
Step Three: Change Your Daily Habits
Some daily habits can cause your eczema to become worse. During the final step of your eczema treatment, we will help you identify behavior that is causing your symptoms to become more significant. After we identify these habits, we will help you make lifestyle adjustments that will reduce your itching issues and other skin problems.
For example, we may advise you to stop taking hot baths and avoid using products that irritate your skin. In particular, you might be required to stop using certain types of skincare products and laundry detergents. We can help you find high-quality beauty products and detergents that are designed for sensitive skin. In addition, you might need to stop wearing dresses, shirts, or other articles of clothing that contain synthetic fabric.
How Will You Begin the Process of Diagnosing This Skin Problem?
You should begin the process of addressing this health problem by monitoring the condition of your skin. There are a number of symptoms that may indicate that you have eczema or another medical condition. Although your symptoms will depend on the type of eczema that you have, this health issue may cause you to develop dry, red skin and feel uncomfortable itchy sensations.
In addition, your skin may become swollen and rough. These symptoms can affect a small area of your skin or spread to multiple locations. Since these symptoms can be connected to other health problems, you should set up an appointment at our Atlanta office if you are dealing with any of these medical issues. After we look at your skin and diagnose the cause of your symptoms, we can begin to improve your dry skin and other problems.
Why Do You Have Eczema?
Environmental factors, allergies, and other conditions can cause you to develop this skin problem.
Dealing With Changes in Temperature
It’s common to experience skin issues after you spend time in a very dry climate or go outside in cold weather. Further, your eczema may become worse when you exercise or experience an increase in temperature.
Exposure to Chemicals
When you clean your clothing, cook, and do other daily tasks, you will be exposed to a variety of chemicals. If you have sensitive skin, these chemicals can cause your eczema symptoms to increase. For example, your eczema may become worse if you use a scented beauty product or wash your clothing with irritating laundry detergents. Similarly, you might develop skin issues after you eat specific types of food.
Developing Allergies
If you are allergic to common household substances, your skin problems may increase when you come into contact with these allergens. For example, you may experience eczema symptoms after you are exposed to mold or dust.
Experiencing Stressful Events
It’s common to develop more significant eczema symptoms when you are going through a stressful time in your life. For example, your eczema may become worse if you move to a new location or begin working at a new job.
What Types of Eczema Can You Have?
You can develop atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, or other types of eczema. After we look at your skin and review your symptoms, we can provide you with a specific diagnosis.
Atopic Dermatitis
The most frequently diagnosed type of eczema is called atopic dermatitis. This medical problem can cause you to develop rashes on your knees or elbows. In addition, you might have tiny bumps on the surface of your skin. If you have this skin condition, you might begin to develop itchy skin and other problems at an early stage in your life. Sometimes, the symptoms of your atopic dermatitis may improve after you become an adult.
Nummular (Discoid) Eczema
If you have this kind of eczema, you might develop small areas of inflamed and itchy skin. Although this problem can affect the skin in many different locations, these patches will be most likely to appear on the lower area of your legs. You might experience more significant symptoms during the winter months. Similarly, your skin could become inflamed after you use certain types of detergent to wash your clothing.
If we diagnose you with this skin problem, we may tell you to start applying topical medications on your skin. For example, we may instruct you to use specialized products to moisturize your affected areas.
Contact Dermatitis
Contact dermatitis occurs when your skin has a negative response to a specific factor in your environment. Sometimes, this skin problem can cause your immune system to have a reaction to a substance like nickel or latex. It’s also common to have negative symptoms after you come into contact with poison ivy, certain skincare products, or tobacco smoke.
Hand Eczema
If the skin on your hands becomes damaged, you may have a medical condition that is called hand eczema. This problem can cause your hands to develop blisters and become dry and red. If your hands are regularly exposed to harsh chemicals, you may experience this health problem.
If you work as a hairstylist, your regular use of beauty products could damage the skin on your hands. Similarly, you might experience this condition if you use strong cleaning products when you perform chores around your house. This skin condition can cause you to feel discomfort and prevent you from performing physical tasks at your workplace.
Other Types of Eczema
There are several other kinds of eczema that can negatively impact the quality of your skin. For example, neurodermatitis can cause you to develop scaly areas on your legs, arms, and other locations. Similarly, you might experience a skin problem called stasis dermatitis if you have blood flow issues.
Can You Use Medical Treatments To Improve Your Other Skin Issues?
It’s common to have multiple skin problems at the same time. If you are dealing with acne, psoriasis, or other skin conditions, we can use a wide range of treatments to help you address your symptoms.
Clearing Up Acne
If you have pimples on your face, back, or other areas, we may provide you with topical medications that contain beneficial ingredients like retinoids or benzoyl peroxide. In addition, you might be able to decrease the severity of your blemishes by taking antibiotics or contraceptives. If you have severe acne issues, we may recommend using a combination of medications to clear up your skin.
Sometimes, we may advise you to address your acne cysts, scars, and other related issues by getting comfortable treatments at our office. For example, you might need to receive a series of microdermabrasion sessions. During each of your appointments at our Atlanta office, we will put very small crystals onto the top layer of your skin. We will use these crystals to gently eliminate dead skin cells that are contributing to your acne problems.
Addressing Psoriasis
Psoriasis is a common condition that can change the appearance of the skin on your elbows, scalp, knees, or other areas. The skin in these locations may become red and scaly. Psoriasis can also cause your affected areas to itch. If we diagnose you with this condition, we may instruct you to apply special topical creams and other products to your affected areas. For example, we may instruct you to use an ointment that contains corticosteroids.
You can also use a gentle type of light therapy to decrease the symptoms of psoriasis. You will begin this therapy by taking a medication that will prepare your tissues for the next part of this eczema treatment. Once your skin is ready, we will shine ultraviolet light onto your affected area.
Treating Other Skin Problems
Over time, you might develop rosacea, dermatitis, or other skin problems that cause you to experience unpleasant symptoms and decrease your self-esteem. For example, if you come in contact with an irritating plant, you might develop a rash that causes your skin to become red and itchy. We can improve your skin problems by providing you with prescription medications, topical products, and other treatments.
Treat Your Eczema Symptoms
Eczema can cause your skin to become scaly and itchy. These changes can prevent you from feeling happy about the appearance of your skin. Fortunately, we can use medications, skincare products, and other eczema treatment to reduce your symptoms. If you are interested in learning more about these gentle treatments, contact us at Peachtree Dermatology in Atlanta, Georgia.
Amazing office!
by Paige
Category: reviewsLove Dr. Rooney and her team. Everyone is so friendly and warm. They treated me with care and consideration, and I looked forward to visiting them every time.
Finally Felt Heard
by Derian Wylonda Patterson
Category: reviewsI am astonished and happy to report that my visit/visits to this practitioners office has been positive and encouraging She listened, so offered medical evidence and offered a plan of attack to address my problems. Not like the young Dr, I had the displeasure of seeing months before Mrs. Wright. Dr.'s like her are few and far between. I enjoy and have enjoyed the service and the atmosphere there.
Very Satisfied
by Therese
Category: reviewsMy first encounter with Dr. Law was very satisfactory: I consulted her for an annual checkup since my previous dermatologist is now too far from my current location. Dr. Law was very pleasant and thorough; an additiodnal plus was a very short waiting time.
Great physician
by Ann Parker
Category: reviewsDr. Law and her assistant were professional and friendly
The best!
by j. darwin
Category: reviewsI had an appointment with Ewa Rooney. She was absolutely the best. She was thorough and listened to my questions and comments. Plus she was very compassionate and caring. Would highly recommend her.
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