Lines, wrinkles, and volume loss: these are just a few of the many signs of aging that leave their marks across our faces as we age. Even though you may feel young and energetic on the inside, your face may be beginning to tell a different story, making you appear much older than you are or feel. At Peachtree Dermatology in Atlanta, GA, we are proud to offer Juvederm Voluma, a highly-esteemed collection of dermal fillers that treats and corrects the signs of aging.
What Is the Difference Between Juvederm and Juvederm Voluma?
Juvederm is a collection of hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers that adds volume between the epidermis and dermis, or the surface and deeper layer of the skin. Juvederm is the name of the collection of fillers, inclusive of five different formulations specifically designed to target and treat different areas of the face. Juvederm Voluma refers to the specific formulation that has been designed to treat and correct areas of the cheeks that have experienced volume loss.
The Voluma XC Formulation
This formulation of Juvederm treats the volume loss, sagging, and flattening that occurs in the cheeks as a result of the particular form of aging known as midface volume loss. It temporarily corrects the signs of aging in the face and is also able to provide natural-looking results. It is also the only dermal filler on today’s beauty market that has been FDA-approved to add volume to the cheeks.
What Does It Do?
The Voluma XC formulation contours the cheek area and adds volume, transforming flat, sagging cheeks to cheeks that have a youthful, lifted, and more sculpted appearance.
Who Is a Candidate?
Anyone who is in good health and is experiencing midface volume loss is a candidate for this particular formulation. During your initial consultation, we will analyze your face, discuss your problem areas and your goals, review your health history, and develop a customized treatment plan for your individual needs.
How Long Does It Last?
While the results of this filler are temporary, they are long-lasting. Following your injection, you will enjoy your results for up to two years.
How Soon Will I See Results?
Unlike other anti-aging treatments such as neurotoxins, you won’t have to wait for several days or weeks to experience or notice full results. Instead, you will see your results immediately following your injections. You’ll walk out of our office after your appointment and your problem areas will be resolved.
Juvederm: The Rest of the Collection
This family of fillers includes different formulations, including the Voluma formulation that targets the cheeks. The four other formulations aside from Voluma treat facial lines, mouth lines, and can augment the lips. These different formulations target different areas of the face and can address the signs of aging by:
- Reducing the number of vertical lip lines, also known as perioral lines, or “smoker’s lines”
- Plumping the lips
- Correcting and improving the shape of the lips
- Erasing the lines that develop with age and extend from the outer corner of the nose to the outer corner of the mouth, also known as nasolabial folds
- Reducing the appearance of forehead lines
- Filling hollowness below the eyes
- Adding volume to depressed, hollow areas of the face
- Adding volume to the temples
As a bonus, the XC formulations contain lidocaine, a pain-killing ingredient, which allows for the most comfortable experience possible during the injection process, as well as during the post-injection period.
The Hyaluronic Acid Difference
These dermal fillers are all made of a smooth, clear gel whose primary ingredient is hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic Acid is both safe and effective for the treatment of aging skin. It is a naturally occurring substance found within the body that binds to water, which makes it a safe anti-aging treatment. This binding effect enables it to add volume and produce soft and natural-looking results.
As we age, the hyaluronic acid content in the skin decreases. This reduction in hyaluronic acid is partly responsible for the sagging and drooping that occurs with the aging process. You may currently own and use products that contain hyaluronic acid. When applied topically, hyaluronic acid temporarily plumps the skin and hydrates it on the surface. When injected, hyaluronic acid fillers plump the skin from the inside out.
Treating Facial Lines
The Vollure XC Formulation
This formulation primarily treats the smile lines that develop around the nose and mouth. It adds volume beneath the skin to smooth out lines, wrinkles, and facial folds, creating a smooth canvas. Results from this specific formulation are seen immediately post-injection and last up to one year.
The XC Formulation
This formulation treats moderate to severe lines, wrinkles, and folds in the face. It will specifically correct lines that form around the nose and mouth known as “parenthesis lines” by adding volume beneath the skin and plumping it from the inside out. It is used to treat and temporarily remove the wrinkles on the face and create a smooth, flawless finish for those who have lines and are over 21 years of age. Results are immediate and last up to 18 months.
Plumping the Lips
The Volbella XC Formulation
This formulation is injectable in a gel form that can both increase the size of the lips and help correct the perioral lines, also known as lipstick lines, that appear around the mouth. These vertical mouth lines are very hard to treat, but thanks to the development of this specific formulation, there is now a solution. It is injected into the lips as well as the areas around the mouth, results are seen immediately following treatment, and they last up to one-year post-injection.
The Ultra XC Formulation
The Ultra XC formulation adds volume to the lips and also works in other areas of the face. When used in the facial tissue, it can smooth parentheses lines, nasolabial folds, and smile lines. If you have naturally thin lips, or your lips have thinned as a result of the aging process and you would like to plump them, this filler formulation will do just that. Results can be seen immediately post-treatment and last up to one year.
Dermal Fillers: What to Expect
Your Initial Consultation
A consultation is important because it allows us the opportunity to discuss your problem areas and help determine the best filler to treat those areas. You will be able to ask us any questions you have about the injection process, what to expect, and how your results will look.
Appointment Length
This is a quick treatment that you can schedule during your lunch break at work, or while you are out running errands. Appointments typically do not exceed 30 minutes. You won’t have to spend hours at your appointment or schedule your day around it.
The Injection Process
Before your injections, your injector will apply topical lidocaine or use ice to numb the treatment area. The skin will then be cleansed and a series of injections will be administered into the area of treatment. All of the XC formulations contain lidocaine as one of their ingredients, which helps provide additional comfort during and after the injection process.
Your Final Results
If you choose one of these filler formulations to add volume, you will notice an increase in the proportional volume of your face immediately following your injections. You won’t look like a different person but you will look younger and more refreshed. Our board-certified dermatologists are experienced and use their skills to inject with gentle precision to provide you with natural-looking results.
Follow-Up Visits
This collection of fillers provides temporary yet long-lasting results. Results will begin to fade as the body metabolizes the filler ingredients and eliminates them. Once you begin to notice that your results are fading, you can simply call to book a follow-up visit so that you won’t have to experience an interruption in your results.
The Benefits of Juvederm
It Has a Built-In Pain Killer
Beauty is sometimes painful, but this filler found a way to take the edge off of the injection process. This collection of dermal fillers is the only one of its kind that has a pain-killing ingredient included within its XC formulations. This provides optimal comfort during the injection process, especially when the needle is inserted into more sensitive areas such as the lips.
Results Are Immediate
This is good news if patience is not your forte. You will notice more volume, the smoothing of your lines, and a softening of facial folds and wrinkles immediately after your appointment concludes.
Results Are Long-Lasting
Most of these fillers provide results that last anywhere from 12 to 24 months. You won’t have to return monthly for maintenance appointments. Results are also temporary, so if you need to stop treatment at any point for whatever reason, your face will simply take on its pre-injection appearance. Once you’re ready to resume treatment, you can simply schedule an appointment and pick right back up where you left off.
It’s a Safe and Effective Treatment
This treatment relies on the use of a naturally occurring substance as its primary ingredient. It’s FDA-approved and has been used all over the world to treat and correct the signs of aging and restore a youthful appearance to those who struggle with fine lines, facial folds, and wrinkles, and who have experienced volume loss. Since hyaluronic acid is already found within the body, there is a very low risk of an allergic or adverse reaction post-injection.
It Provides Natural-Looking Results
Dermal fillers shouldn’t be noticeable. They should not be a focal point on the face. If you can see filler in someone’s face, it most likely is overdone filler. When injected by experts, like our staff at Peachtree Dermatology, you will get the most natural-looking results. You will not look as though you had something done, but you will have a youthful glow and smooth skin that will have everyone wondering what your secret is.
Am I a Candidate?
If you have lines, folds, facial wrinkles, or are experiencing facial volume loss and want to address and correct these issues, or want to augment your lips, you are most likely a candidate for one of the fillers from the Juvederm collection. During your consultation, we will review your health history, discuss your goals, and create a treatment plan that includes the use of fillers that will most effectively treat your unique facial structure and the signs of aging.
Schedule Your Consultation Today
There is no reason to live with lines, wrinkles, and volume loss. This collection of dermal fillers provides you with many different options. You can treat lines, volume loss, contour your cheeks, and plump your lips with these different, FDA-Approved formulations. Don’t let your lines define your age, but instead, know that you can look as young as you feel. Contact us today at Peachtree Dermatology in Atlanta, GA, and schedule your initial consultation.
Amazing office!
by Paige
Category: reviewsLove Dr. Rooney and her team. Everyone is so friendly and warm. They treated me with care and consideration, and I looked forward to visiting them every time.
Finally Felt Heard
by Derian Wylonda Patterson
Category: reviewsI am astonished and happy to report that my visit/visits to this practitioners office has been positive and encouraging She listened, so offered medical evidence and offered a plan of attack to address my problems. Not like the young Dr, I had the displeasure of seeing months before Mrs. Wright. Dr.'s like her are few and far between. I enjoy and have enjoyed the service and the atmosphere there.
Very Satisfied
by Therese
Category: reviewsMy first encounter with Dr. Law was very satisfactory: I consulted her for an annual checkup since my previous dermatologist is now too far from my current location. Dr. Law was very pleasant and thorough; an additiodnal plus was a very short waiting time.
Great physician
by Ann Parker
Category: reviewsDr. Law and her assistant were professional and friendly
The best!
by j. darwin
Category: reviewsI had an appointment with Ewa Rooney. She was absolutely the best. She was thorough and listened to my questions and comments. Plus she was very compassionate and caring. Would highly recommend her.
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