Sometimes, even the most active lifestyles and healthiest diets don’t result in your dream body. If you’ve found that you’re close to getting the figure you’ve always wanted, but you’re struggling to get rid of those last stubborn bits of fat, you don’t have to worry. With CoolSculpting Atlanta, you can target specific areas of unwanted fat and safely destroy them. If you’re in Atlanta, GA, and ready to look more toned and sculpted, Peachtree Dermatology can help.
How Is Treatment With CoolSculpting Performed?
What Is CoolScuplting?
CoolSculpting Atlanta is a non-invasive treatment that contours the body by destroying fat in particular areas. It does this by safely cooling the skin, freezing the fat cells underneath. Over time, these cells either shrink or are permanently damaged and leave the body naturally. The result for patients is permanent fat removal in targeted areas and a more contoured physique.
Rather than a weight-loss solution, it generally acts as a final step for people who have almost achieved their cosmetic goals through exercise and diet, and are looking for something to get them across the line.
How and Why Does This Treatment Work?
Years ago, Harvard researchers noticed that when children ate frozen popsicles, they developed dimples in their cheeks afterward. They realized that fat cells exposed freezing temperatures could shrink or be completely destroyed. This is because fat yields to freezing temperatures a lot faster than other cells. Thanks to this unique cellular response, they are destroyed while the tissue around them remains safely intact.
These principles have been used to create a cutting-edge technology called Cryolipolysis, which involves the controlled cooling of cells. It’s an FDA-approved technique and truly one of the easiest fat-reduction treatments available. Patients can pick and choose exactly where on their body they want treatment applied and know that the surrounding areas will remain unaffected. It’s perfect for anyone looking to a non-surgical method of achieving contouring on the body.
In the course of treatment, many fat cells lose the fluid that was stored inside them, causing them to contract and shrink down. Up to a quarter of fat cells are killed, and the fat that was stored in them is released. Over time, it’s reabsorbed by the body. Eventually the fat leaves the body naturally through the metabolic process, meaning that fat is then gone for good!
How Is This Treatment Performed?
During the Treatment
To start with, a gel pad that acts as a barrier is applied to the areas of fat that you want to reduce. The CoolSculpting device – a small cooling applicator or paddle – is then placed over the gel and holds the bulge of skin as it secures itself with light suction. This device then gradually drops to a very cold temperature, cooling the targeted fat cells inside until they crystalize and either shrink or fall apart.
Patients have said they experience slight pressure and then a quick burst of cold, but then it subsides and is actually very relaxing. Often the patient will bring a book to read or their tablet to use, and some even fall asleep.
After the Treatment
When the applicator has been removed, you’ll notice that the area has become solid under the skin. That’s the frozen fat cells! Our expert doctor will massage the area throughout and following treatment to aid in breaking up the tissue and ensuring the fat cells can be reabsorbed.
Treatment is safe and carefully timed, and patients only require a quick inspection following treatment and then you’re free to go! Thanks to this efficiency and simplicity, patients can fit treatment in no matter how busy their schedules are.
In the period after your treatment, the contents of the destroyed cells will be released and eventually leave the body through excretion.
Where Can This Treatment Be Applied?
This treatment targets something called “subcutaneous fat”, which is the soft fat you can pinch or hold in your hands. It lies just below the skin’s surface and it’s highly responsive to this treatment. This fat is most common around the midsection, but men and women alike experience it in several places around the body. These areas might include love handles, banana rolls, back and bra, flank, abdomen, upper arms, and on double chin.
Thanks to CoolSculpting’s versatility and different applicators, it can be applied easily to different parts of the body. It can be used all over to treat specific pockets of fat. If you’re targeting multiple areas in a single session, several devices will be applied around the body.
How Long Will Treatment Last?
The exact duration of a session will depend on the patient in terms of both how their body responds to the treatment and what their goals for their body are. Generally, a session lasts somewhere between 60 and 90 minutes. Certain areas take longer to treat than others, because of the size of the stores of fat, which can be several inches thick.
Is There a Long Recovery Period?
This treatment requires almost no downtime, thanks to the fact that it’s non-surgical. Patients generally carry on with their days as per normal but are also welcome to take the rest of the day off to relax. Because there’s no anesthetic used, they can even drive themselves home.
When Will I Be Able to Notice Results?
The results of this treatment take a while to develop because the reduced fat cells and fluids are all leaving the body through natural processes. This can often take two or three weeks, but additional weight loss will continue. Many people see optimal results between two and three months. Because the fat cells are passed through the liver as they exit the body, the exact time will depend on a patient’s liver health. Other health factors play into this too.
The results look best when combined with an active, healthy lifestyle. Because the results develop over this longer period, they’ll look far more natural than if they appeared suddenly. It will just look as though your body is becoming more toned thanks to exercise and diet.
Why Do People Seek Out This Treatment?
Stubborn fat affects people of all ages, lifestyles, genetic backgrounds, and weight brackets. The body collects fat and uses it as an energy source, so it will work hard to retain it. This is why fat can remain unaffected despite rigorous exercise and the strictest diets. Even exercises that work specific muscles don’t just blast away the fat around it.
Often people who have been working hard on achieving their dream bodies and are close to the finish line end up frustrated and even disillusioned with their healthy lifestyle.
This is why increasingly people are turning to treatments like CoolSculpting. It can help them overcomes that final obstacle to reaching their cosmetic target, or it can even just tackle some areas they’ve always been uncomfortable with.
What Benefits Can People Expect From This Treatment?
This treatment has many benefits that make it an incredibly popular cosmetic choice. Because it permanently destroys fat cells, patients can take comfort in knowing those cells won’t be replaced and they can’t cause any more problems.
In the weeks and months following treatment, patients develop more contoured, slim bodies. The results, which have developed gradually, are natural-looking, which a lot of people appreciate. And with these new bodies comes new-found confidence! There’s no more worrying about unflattering clothing or being too embarrassed to wear less when out in the Atlanta humidity. Because this treatment is most effective when paired with a healthy lifestyle, it encourages patients to look after themselves to maintain their results.
Many people like the idea of removing fat from their bodies but don’t want to undergo surgery and risk infection or a long recovery period. This is why many people avoid liposuction. Luckily, this treatment offers a non-invasive, ideal alternative.
How Many Treatments Are Needed?
Every treatment, and patient, is different. During an initial consultation, we’ll be able to discuss what goals you have for your body and what you’re hoping to get out of treatment. Since a maximum of 10 pounds can be eliminated in one session, patients looking to take off more fat will potentially need two or three sessions to do so. This also may be the case for those looking to remove fat in multiple areas.
Perhaps you’ll have one initial session and then enjoy the results so much you’ll want it done again somewhere else! Whatever you need, we will tailor the perfect plan to suit you.
How Long Will the Results Last?
Incredibly, CoolSculpting Atlanta really can remove fat permanently. Because the fat cells are destroyed for good, you won’t have to worry about them ever reemerging. This is why more and more people use this treatment to reduce fatty sections of their bodies – it offers more permanent results than exercise and diet can.
This doesn’t mean weight gain in the future is completely off the table. The remaining fat cells that shrunk can increase in size if patients don’t maintain a similar weight. Likewise, untreated areas can still gain weight. For this reason, patients are encouraged to stay active and consume a balanced diet so that their weight doesn’t fluctuate. This treatment offers the best results when patients look after themselves!
Who Is a Good Candidate for This Treatment?
Any patient interested in this treatment should have the right attitude and realistic expectations about the results it offers. They should be looking to eliminate stubborn fat in problem areas, rather than searching for a blanket weight-loss solution that can be used to permanently massive amounts of heavy fat. It also helps to understand that this treatment is another tool to use to achieve their desired body, alongside things like a balanced diet and regular exercise.
This treatment is popular with adults of all ages. Candidates should be in good health. Ideal candidates should be within 20 and 40 pounds of their ideal body weight. Skin elasticity is beneficial as it makes treatment easier. During a consultation, we’ll be able to determine if this treatment is the best option for you, and will reference your medical history and any existing conditions.
Are You Ready to Achieve the Body You’ve Always Wanted?
If you’re sick of stubborn fat and ready to get rid of it, now is your chance. With CoolSculpting, you’ll be able to get a slimmer, contoured physique that will look natural, and leave you feeling confident. To find the best plan to suit your needs and learn more, get in touch with us at Peachtree Dermatology Associates in Atlanta, GA. Schedule a consultation with us and get one step closer to the body of your dreams!
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